Wasn’t Pride awesome last year? (Well, except the part where Luna baked her clutch…) Wouldn’t it be even cooler to have a bigger group of rad ladies this year? Mark your calendars and start those left-hand stretches: you’re not going to want to miss. We will meet at Harley Davidson on Baymeadows Rd and 95 at 11:00 am, KSU 11:30 sharp to ride in as a group. Or, if you are closer to the event, meet us at NOON!
All flag peeps are welcome to meet us at HD where you can follow the bikes as we ride to the parade lineup site. We will organize the bikes and flag ladies at the parade start site on Willow Branch Park, 2870 Sydney Ave, 32205.
All: Wear your Fat Bottom Girlz t-shirts (or wear teal or black t-shirt) and your FBGz bike flag (we do have just a few left and those will be ON SALE at the parade lineup). All bikes/trucks will have a fee of $5.00 for riders, $5.00 for passengers to help offset the total cost of the group’s entry fee.
All: Wear your Fat Bottom Girlz t-shirts (or wear teal or black t-shirt) and your FBGz bike flag (we do have just a few left and those will be ON SALE at the parade lineup). All bikes/trucks will have a fee of $5.00 for riders, $5.00 for passengers to help offset the total cost of the group’s entry fee.
We prefer you pay cash (fees suck) at the event but we will have Venmo/PayPal/CashApp options as well. Don’t forget to bring stuff to bling out those bikes. You will have time after lining up to get them all decorated:) We NEED Flag Ladies! Just bring a 3’x5’ Pride flag of your choice, one that represents YOU! The Parade is just a 1.5 mile walk.
Let’s gather as many badass female bikers and flag ladies as possible and let’s proudly kick off the 2022 River City Pride Parade!