Let’s go cheer for these badass ladies on 8 wheels! We will meet up at the event at 6:45 to get an area for us all. Bring a camping type chair so we can get some up front action! Please, wear your Fat Bottom Girlz t-shirts. If you need one, we still have them at a great price at $15.00 which helps us offset costs of Meetup, our website fatbottomgirlzjax.com and purchased communication head sets (while the supply lasts). If you don’t want to purchase one, please wear a black or teal top. Let’s go support these ladies!
**Don’t forget, wear teal/black or your Fat Bottom Girlz t-shirts!**
Saturday, June 29, 2019
6:45 PM to 10:30 PM
Skate Station Mandarin