UPDATE: Well Ladiez, Mother Nature is a powerful woman and she said sorry Ladiez, we have 50% rain by 10:00 am. So, we will have to CANCEL. Stay tuned for a possible re-reboot of international female riding day around the end of Sept/beg of Oct.
Meet at Harley-Davidson Baymeadows Rd at 8:45, KSU at 9:00. Our route will be shortened due to our unstable weather conditions. Please look at Meetup before you leave home as weather will dictate if we are a “go”. If you RSVP “yes” and are not coming at the last minute, please text 404-713-1386 to let us know.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
8:45 AM to 11:45 AM
Harley Davidson
8909 Baymeadows Rd · Jacksonville, FL