Past Events

All Female Ride Jacksonville 2017

The purpose of this ride is to continue to build a bridge of support for womxn motorcyclists and to ensure safety and provide resources to intermediate and seasoned riders.

Our goal is to exchange life experiences and create a path that others may travel in the near future. By connecting with other womxn from state to state and feeding off of positive motivation, we will build an awesome networking system for womxn from all walks of life such as…mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers and career womxn and womxn that enjoy every opportunity to ride with other womxn for the sake of growth.

Motorcycling brings peace, relaxation of the mind and takes you to a tranquil place. Riding builds courage within one’s self that no one can take away. Riding to unfamiliar places birth new relationships. Divided we fall but together we can build a nation of riders!
L~L~R Live. Love. Ride