So, it’s a repeat by popular demand:) Meetup at the Race Trac 2501 Blanding Blvd, Middleburg, FL 32068. Travel down south towards Gainesville, Florida and keep it moving down CR-24 all the way to Cedar Key, Florida. We will take another route to return, just as scenic. I think we should “brown bag” our lunch, find a nice squat on the water to eat, then start our alternate route home. I can bring a cooler to store your brown bag:)
This ride is approx. 3 hours one way. So, we rate this ride degree of difficulty 4 out of 6. KSU at 9:00 sharp. Anyone who lives at the beach, text me and we can ride together to the Meetup site:) See you Ladiez then!
Ween – 404-713-1386
Saturday, June 8, 2019
8:45 AM to 4:00 PM
83′ West Restaurant