
Sunday, October 28, 2018
4:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Check this out, we’ve got FANS! We’ve been contacted by the President for the Murry Hill Historical Association. They want us to ride in the Murray Hill-O-Ween Parade, on Oct. 28th, at 7PM. (In fact, we heard that we were a big hit with everyone at Pride.)

This is another opportunity to dress-up the bikes. Thankfully, it’s later in the day, so it should be a whole lot cooler. At 2Pm there will be a block party with food, drinks, music and a whole-lotta ghouls. The Parade steps off at 7PM, and line-up TBD.

We realize this is a “School night.” So not sure of the level of able participants. Thus, we request RSVP by Sunday the 14th. We need at least 10 bikes to RSVP or we will have to cancel. (There’s nothing scary about 2 “ghouls” rolling in the parade.)

Meg (Bat Girl), we would LOVE to see the Bat Mobile leading the Fat Bottom “Ghouls” in the parade.

So, come on everyone, RSVP and let’s represent again with a deep, fierce, frightening, spine-chilling, motorized growl!

Fat Bottom Girls Women on Motorcycles. Logo is a capital FBG and a little z with a blue motorcycle riding over the letter B

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