Saturday, September 15, 2018
8:45 AM to 2:30 PM
Let’s Loop It! We will head South to Flagler Beach, snack at Hidden Treasure Tiki Bar and Grill, head West on 100, then head North on 17 to 207 and then hit US 1 back into Jax. Nice loop hitting all directions, but no interstate:). We can also tweak this route to other back roads if we want. This ride is rated a 2.5-3 (3 due to the length only). Good ride for all skill levels.
We will have Fat Bottom Girlz T-shirts, hats and patches for sale. Any profits made go to website, our new headset communications and to help offset Pride Parade costs:)
Please: If you RSVP “yes” but can’t make it, please contact me before meet up time. Ween 404-713-1386
Visit Hidden Treasure Website